To submit an accreditation request for home matches in the Bernabeu you have to send an email to The email must be sent from your company’s email address (not a personal address, otherwise it may be ignored).
The email should include:
- The date and team Real Madrid is playing
- The names of the people to attend the match and what areas they need access to
- The name of your media company
The areas for press access are:
- Prensa gráfica (Visual press/photographers and videographers)
- Zona de reporteros -Where reporters sit to watch the match
- Zona Mixta – (Mixed zone) Area where the players come out to talk to the press after the match
- Press Room – Where Ancelotti gives the postgame press conference
For a normal reporter it’s a good idea to request reporter access plus “Zona mixta” te be sure he/she acquires the necessary passes to access everything (Watch the match and access Zona Mixta + press room).
It’s best to call and confirm ((+34) 91 398 43 38) that you have been accredited after sending the email. Normally if you are rejected you should receive an email indicating that. If you receive no reply it means they didn’t receive the email or you got accreditation to the match and should pick it up on match day when you arrive.
The club will accept some smaller media outlets or websites if you can show that you are a serious site and have an audience. Higher profile matches are, of course, more difficult to get into because more large media companies come, paying TV rights which benefits the club.
The photography and video press accesses the stadium on the side nearest the Paseo de la Castellana by the B tower. If early there should be a line of photographers there to get in, if not, the door will be closed but you will see a sign that says “Prensa gráfica”. You just knock and the security guard will let you in. When you go in you pass through two rooms from which a door leads to the open area inside the stadium where people walk freely to their seats. (Be sure to grab a free drink in the first room or your dinner if it’s Champions League.) You take the first left where you find stairs going down. You go down those stairs and up the ones in front. Turn left and walk to the first aisle going downward towards the field where there will be a security guard who will let you by. Now you can access the sideline. For normal league matches photographers can sit in either extreme (north or south) but not on the side (lateral). In Champions League you can also sit on the side opposite where the teams sit.
Reporters access the stadium on the opposite side, on Padre Damian. There is an opening next to a security guard station you pass through and go down some steps. At the bottom there is a booth where you pick up your accreditation. There are elevators that will take you up to the press area to watch the match. They have tables and plugs for your computer. The mixed zone “Zona Mixta” is just down to your left upon entering the initial gate (down the steps) and the press room is also on the left.
Contact information:
Tlf : (+34) 91 398 43 38